Registration Form

Package Name
Family / Follow
Registration Form
Full Name (As per Passport)
Home Address
Postal Code
Mobile Number
Date of Birth
Passport Number
Date of Issue
Date of Expiry
Major Illness
Special Request
Emergency Contact Not Travelling
Full Name
Relationship (to applicant)
Home Address
Mobile Number
Kindly read full terms & conditions at: I Have been read / Informed & Acknowlege:
a. Travel insurance optional as each traveller's needs and preferences are different. b. As a licensing condition of the Singapore Tourism Board, we Hahnemann Travel & Tours Pte Ltd are required to inform you, the Client, to consider purchasing travel insurance – (a) against any failure or disruption in our provision of the travel product arising out of any insolvency on our part; and (b) in favour of all travellers for whom the payment or deposit is to be made.
c. Do you wish to purchase the travel insurance (Tick appropriate box)
d. If yes , Before we can accept any payment or deposit from you for your travel product, we are required to record the following particulars: please attach or provide a copy of the Certificate of Insurance. I hereby declare that I have read and understood the terms and conditions that is being laid out and I agree to abide by them upon deposit / payment to Hahnemann Travel & Tours Pte Ltd. I too hereby consent Hahnemann Travel & Tours Pte Ltd to use my personal information in accordance to its tours and services as well as receiving product information, new offers, special offers (via mail, email, telephone or otherwise) or events that the company belives may be of interest to me :-
Officer Signature
Name & Signature of Applicant:
* Mandatory information